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AutorenbildBritta Kürzi

Now announcing our newest product additions!

It’s been a while since we have written a new blog post, but a lot sure has changed since our first one. As we were busy making chocolate and organizing our schedule in preparation for many exciting spring chocolate events such as Schoggifestival, Easter, Mother’s Day and more, the world around us changed seemingly overnight- and with it, our business has changed as well.

Our first priority has always been, and will always be, the health and safety of our fellow humans (customers, business partners, and beyond). We have been adhering to all of the health and safety guidelines given to us by the Swiss government, and we are grateful to do our small part in the big picture of protecting the most vulnerable of our community.

We want to express our gratitude to everyone who has supported us during this time, our business partners and suppliers, our retail partners, and of course a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has placed orders with us online during this time! We never imagined that our online shop would be such a significant part of our business when we launched it last year, but we are grateful to have had the flexibility to provide you with chocolate delivered directly to your door during this time. You’ve kept us alive during a first spring season unlike one we could have ever imagined.

As we head into the summer months, I want to announce some exciting and happy news and introduce a couple of new products available for purchase in our online store. These are two products that many of you have been asking me for a long time, so I am excited they are finally here available in our online store!

First we are excited to bring you our organic cacao tea. Cacao tea is a natural, healthy and purely plant-based drink made using cacao husks. Our cacao husks come from organic certified Trinitario cacao beans from the cooperative Kokoa Kamili located in the Kilombero Valley in the heart of Tanzania. The cacao beans are fermented for six days in wooden boxes and then carefully dried on African beds. As soon as the cacao beans have arrived in Switzerland, we hand sort them, roast them gently and separate the inner core (the cacao nibs) from the cacao shells we use for this tea.

To enjoy:

1. Let water boil.

2. Fill a tea egg or tea maker with the desired amount

Cocoa shells (recommendation: approx. 5 g cocoa shells for a cup with

180ml water).

3. Let the tea infuser or teelter steep for 5-7 minutes.

4. Enjoy the cocoa tea hot or cold.

You can add a dash of plant-based milk for an even creamier experience. We

recommend a hazelnut drink, for example. For a little more sweetness add a little sugar or maple syrup to the tea. Our preference is obviously single origin Gout Delicat from Happy Maple.

Refreshing tip for hot days: Serve the cacao tea "on the rocks" chilled with ice cubes.

The other product I want to announce, and the one sooo many of you have been asking for, is our premium organic cacao nibs!

Cacao nibs are a natural plant-based snack made from our organic Trinatario cacao beans from the Kilombero Valley in Tanzania. The cacao nibs are used to make our chocolate, and packaged here can be enjoyed by you in either sweet or savory dishes.

Our cacao nibs and the cacao shells are a superfood high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, specifically magnesium, potassium, omega-6 fatty acids, and fiber. Additionally, they contain theobromine, a slow-releasing and less intense stimulant/cousin of caffeine. Research has shown cacao helps neutralize free radicals, reduce effects of aging, improve cardiovascular health and circulation, lower blood pressure, regulate heartbeat, balance brain chemistry, relieve symptoms of PMS, and promote a sense of happiness and well-being.

I hope you are as excited as we are about these new products!

Cheers and enjoy!

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